Wednesday, March 16, 2011

"Battle: Los Angeles" tops U.S. box office

New science-fiction movie (Battle:  Los Angeles) leads weekend box office in North America this week; it has achieved $ 36 million in a period of three days. 

The film, directed by Jonathan Ibzman and starring Aaron Eckhart and Bridget Moynahan and Michelle Rodriguez. 

And slipped to the second animated film (Arango) "Rango"; it has achieved $ 23 million in a period of three days, bringing the total achieved since its release to 7.68 million dollars, the film directed by Gore Verbinski. 

And came in third place with the new horror film (Little Red Riding Hood) "Red Riding Hood" having achieved $ 14.1 million in a period of three days, the film directed by Catherine Hardwicke and starring Amanda Seyfried, Gary Oldman and Billy Burke. 

And fell from second to fourth romantic film (Office of the settlement) "The Adjustment Bureau"; it has achieved $ 11.5 million in a period of three days to reach the total achieved since the start of his presentation, $ 38.5 million. 

The film, directed by George Nulfi and starring Matt Damon and Lisa Ruson and Natalie Carter. 

And came in fifth place, the new animated film (Mars needs mothers) "Mars Needs Moms"; it has achieved $ 6.8 million in a period of three days, the film directed by Simon Wells

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